Transforming Negativity Kriya


40 days to transform your self-doubt into self-trust and absolute conviction

1. – 3. of August live on Zoom


Join us for a transformative journey working with a time-tested Kriya (meditation) using the power of the colour GOLD.

If you’re struggling with self-doubt, uncertainty, or destructive habits: this one is for you.

The technique we’re working with will help you transform your negative emotional patterns and beliefs into their positive opposites.

It’s one of my favourite Kriyas/meditation techniques, called Transforming Negativity Kriya.


How it works:

The Kriya harnesses the transformative power of 5 master colours. These colours are dark fiery red, violet, blue, rose, and in our case GOLD.

Each of these colours has an energetic frequency that resonates with both the negative and the positive aspects of the same coin:


Dark fiery red holds the frequency of procrastination, lack of will, laziness and indifference on the downside and will power, determination, and action power on the upside. We can use it to transform procrastination into action power.


Blue resonates with both anger and frustration on the downside as well as ease and peace on the upside. We can use it to transform anger into peace.


Now gold holds both the frequency of self-doubt, uncertainty, and destructive habits, as well as the frequency of self-trust, absolute certainty, and right action. Hence, we use it to transform self-doubt into self-trustWe’ll do so by focusing on the colour in a very specific way.

Come join us for this transformative journey!



  • the Transforming Negativity Kriya is embedded into a complete yoga practice (Asana, Pranayama, Meditation)

  • the whole practice will be 60 min

  • August 1st, 2nd, 3rd: live sessions via Zoom to kick-start the whole process – if you can’t join live there will be a recording

  • Live sessions from 8-9 pm CET (German time) = 2-3 pm EST

  • On August 12 and 22: check-ins (30 min) via Zoom – to make sure you stay on track and don’t loose momentum!

  • The idea is to practice on your own after day 3 – you’ll have the recording and will eventually be able to do so without it. This is true self-empowerment!

  • To imprint self-trust into your mind and make it part of your every day: do this practice for 40 days in a row shaping your brain and way of thinking. You don’t have to do the full practice, but it is essential to do the Kriya (about 30 min incl. Pranayama/breathing)

  • starting August 1 you’ll be radiating self-trust and conviction by September 9!

  • investment: 55€


Questions? Interested, but need a different colour? Send me an email:

Book via paypal button below or via email: