Rest, reclaiming feminine energy & our capacity to receive: lessons from a burnout story with Robyn Kristen

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Kat’s Podcast – Episode no. 49

In today’s episode we’re diving into the topic of REST – something I’m sure we all crave – at least from time to time – but that we often don’t allow ourselves. I’ve invited my colleague Robyn Kristen on: she has first hand experience integrating rest into her life after going through a burnout, and has made it part of her mission to help people heal by taking space and rest for themselves.

Re-listening I really enjoyed this episode. We’re exploring rest in ways that might surprise you, because rest is much more than just “rest”, or recharging, but actually the space that allows us to tune into our bigger purpose, life mission and into that which we truly want – and it can be a gateway to more abundance in your life. 

Enjoy this episode and if you like it share it with a friend or someone you know who would benefit from it. 


We talk about: 

  • rest & its potential to heal and live a life we’re meant to live
  • the bigger natural cycles and rhythms that women operate in vs. our 24/7 day that’s not made for women
  • time as something that we often feel pressured by
  • the connection between time & worth
  • how we can MAKE time & enjoy the moment as reclamation of feminine energy
  • her journey from Vinyasa to Yin to Traditional Hatha Yoga
  • the importance of listening to your body, emotions and sensations to spot patterns and dis-ease
  • the crucial piece of reflection
  • Robyn’s burnout story + how she made the shift
  • being physically depleted
  • the MIND as key piece in the burnout game: getting out of victim mentality + the importance of mindset
  • journaling as tool to get out of burnout mentality
  • simple solutions to heal
  • the piece of compassion in the healing process
  • the concept of “core wounds”
  • practical strategies + practices to counter and heal burnout
  • the cleansing power of trees and water
  • the mindset of modern slavery vs. “you are abundant by being yourself”
  • living a simple life, consuming less + some tips on how to safe on a monthly basis
  • how rest and abundance are connected
  • the restless London energy
  • the most common excuse why people

Wanna hear more about rest, unlearning the urge to be productive & healing? Listen to these episodes: 

Ojas and Women’s Health 40+ with Laura Plumb

Female cycle, menstruation, postpartum & how tonic herbs can help restore our wellbeing with Tahnee Taylor


Episode resources: 

Thanks so much for listening!

Disclaimer: This is not medical advice. This podcast is presented for educational and informative purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented here.