That's me, Kat, at the beach in New Zealand

Hi, I’m Kat!

My mission is to help people create freedom and self-empowerment through reconnection.


Because I believe we need that to make this world a better place.


My own journey brought me from a highly stressful agency job, unhealthy eating habits and a rather unconscious lifestyle to a much more self-determined, slow-paced and sane life – a life where freedom rules over fixed payslips, flipflops over high heels and meditation over multitasking.

I’m known for spending European winter in New Zealand (well, at least before the C-shit hit), for enjoying relaxed mornings with a cup of coffee in my hands and for “doing” yoga as one of my things.


I believe that we have to slow down and tune in to be able to create lasting change.

I believe that we have to question the status quo if we want to live truly empowered lives.

I believe that we have to reconnect with ourselves and with nature to change us and this world for the better.


Tune into my podcast where I show unconventional ways of living and thinking, portray people who are driven by a quest for freedom, and talk holistic health.

My mentoring and 1:1 personal yoga practice & mentorship are bringing together the practices and tools that have helped me live a freer, healthier, and happier life, that keep empowering me and keep helping me see clearly.


Have a look around, come say Hi or connect via my newsletter.

Thanks for being here,



5 tips to get grounded and focused

5 tips to get grounded and focused

Feeling more ungrounded lately? More in your head and not really able to focus? Or do you feel colder in your body, maybe also waking up at night and having trouble getting back to sleep again? These can all be typical “symptoms” of autumn being reflected in your body...

7 Natural Tips for Period Pain

7 Natural Tips for Period Pain

Period pain – this topic never gets old! I’ve been chatting about this for years with girl friends and women crossing my path and there is still so much room for natural and lasting solutions.
Here are my 7 natural tip to relieve menstrual pain: