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Kat’s Podcast – Episode no. 37
Today I’m chatting with Keli Dierings: She’s the first of 9 inspiring women I’m interviewing for a series on spiritual evolution and standing in one’s own authority – because I feel that being able to stand in our own power is needed more than ever today. Times are challenging and we need our own stable ground to stand on.
In this spirit, we are here to share personal experiences, spread faith and give insights into what has helped us to evolve and stand in our own authority.
Keli Dierings is a Traditional Tantric Hatha Yoga teacher and mentor. She’s lived in many places around the world and resides in the US at the moment. We met through The Practice, a Traditional Tantric Hatha Yoga school in Bali. I love her for her sweet wisdom and the warmth she radiates. Her mentorship program “Restore faith in your spiritual practice” was born out of a time where she herself questioned her own power, capacity and own trust in practicing & teaching – and now she helps others find back to that innate trust and inner guidance, that we all have inside of us.
In this episode Keli’s sharing key insights in regards to self-empowerment, how she has restored faith in her spiritual practice, how we can lighten our healing journey and live with more ease, joy and beauty
We talk about:
- Keli’s yoga journey from gym to spiritual path
- Traditional Hatha Yoga as gate to understanding yoga in a broader way
- Yoga as a way to improve your life
- healing & the connection of healing and spiritual unfoldment
- the importance of taking time to integrate things and giving yourself permission to take pressure off your healing journey
- Keli’s two most important questions for living in alignment and standing in your own authority: make sure you note these down!
- How you can tell that your (spiritual) practice is working
- the freedom that comes with doing things for yourself/ reliant on yourself = how we can escape the fragile ground of external approval
- the beauty of simplicity
- the magic mix of discipline & joy in practice
- the dynamics of a 40-day Sadhana
- how spirituality & self-responsibility are connected
- spirituality as day-to-day life
- reasons why we loose faith in our spiritual practice & how to regain our faith
- Why Keli created her mentorship program “Restore faith in your spiritual practice”
- how the program looks like
- listener tip: how we can shift our energy and take the road that takes us forward – Keli’s key question to ask in moments of struggle
- how softening can help you stand in your own power
Episode resources:
- Keli’s website + mentorship:
- Keli’s instagram:
- My email – say Hi & give feedback
- My newsletter
- My Instagram if you wanna follow along
- music (Intro/Outro): Thanks to Analog By Nature. Credits: cdk – Sunday by Analog By Nature (c) copyright 2016 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
Thanks so much for listening!