Join one of my upcoming workshops online or in person. All workshops are also bookable on demand. Maybe you’d like to dive deeper with a small group of friends or book it as a corporate session. Please reach out for pricing and available dates. As always: I teach in both English and German, depending on the audience. Reach me here:
Come Back to Yourself
Date coming soon!
Get clear on your needs & create a new routine so yo can live with more ease!
in English
Komm zurück zu Dir
Finde Klarheit über Deine Bedürfnisse & erschaffe Dir eine neue Tagesroutine, die Dich mit mehr Gelassenheit leben lässt!
auf Deutsch
Find Your Own Rhythm
Date coming soon!
Learn about your life energies so you can understand yourself better, accept parts about yourself you have resisted, and go through live with more ease.
in English
I’m excited to announce my retreat in Germany! This one will be held in the Berlin area at the end of May (27.-29.5.). It will be in German language. It’s for you if you feel burnt out by your job or depleted by family obligations. It will help you find back to your center, define your needs and create a new daily routine. See it as a gentle kick-start to live with more ease, acknowledging your own needs. Click here for more
Interested? Send me an email: